Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Taking A Seat

"Ask Lisa"

Who Sits Where?

Dear Lisa,

I have been attending church online because of the pandemic, but I plan to attend in person soon.  

There's a lady who always asks me to sit with her. She's kind of a gossip, though. Should I sit next to her when I return?



Dear Churchgoer,

There are social aspects of worship and attending church, although it's not the main reason to attend church and church events. I believe the main reason is to be in community while honoring, praising, worshipping, and serving God.

I tend to sit on the left side, near the center, be it a classroom, auditorium, movie theater, or church. That's just my orientation. I would sit next to this particular sister in Christ occasionally, but not every Sunday. Sitting next to her doesn't make you a gossip, and it doesn't necessarily mean others think you are a gossip.